7 acrylic paintings on fabric hanging by sewing pins. Variable dimensions.
Me and Zsuzsi exchanged emails and talked about distances and landscapes, and I was enchanted by the beauty of Danube Bend, where she lives. She works with collages and uses scraps of paper, in my processes I have sewn a lot in recent times, so I gathered scraps of fabrics inspired by her and painted the landscapes that enchanted me so much. During this troubled times small winds can change everything and show us how fragile we are, so the landscapes paintings are fragile and vulnerable to the wind and changes, just like us.
colab with Zsuzsi Palman (Hungary) for @Meetings.proj
Meetings.proj is a collaborative project between 11 artists from different parts of the planet
producing artworks in the context of the current global quarantine. These participating artists from Hungary, Chile, Venezuela, USA and Brasil, will be collaborating on interdisciplinary works remotely in this first edition of meetings.proj 2020. The result of this project will be a series of exhibitions at the conclusion of the process.
the first edition was already exhibited at @1111_gallery in Budapest, Hungary as part of their ‘Closed Door’ group exhibition in september 2020.